Jesús’ güebería


Name: Jesús Maíz Apellániz


  1. Bachelor of Science in Physics and Planetary Sciences, Caltech, 1989

  2. Master of Arts in Astronomy.

   U. of California at Berkeley, 1991

  1. Doctor en Ciencias Físicas (Astrofísica), Universidad Complutense, 1999

Current position (since 2014):

  1. Scientific researcher, CAB, CSIC-INTA, Madrid, Spain

Former positions:

  1. Assistant Professor, U. Alfonso X el Sabio, 1994-1996

  2. Associate Professor, U. Alfonso X el Sabio, 1996-1999

  3. Postdoctoral Fellow, STScI, 1999-2002                      

  4. ESA Astronomer, STScI, 2002-2006

  5. Ramón y Cajal Fellow, IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain, 2006-2011

  6. Staff scientist, IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain, 2011-2014

  7. Staff scientist, CAB, CSIC-INTA, Madrid, Spain, 2014-2023

Scientific interests:

  1. Massive stars

  2. Extinction

  3. Massive star clusters

  4. Galactic structure

  5. Giant H II regions

  6. Photometric standardization

  7. Astronomical software

e-mail: jmaiz at