Jesús’ güebería
Jesús’ güebería
Name: Jesús Maíz Apellániz
❖Bachelor of Science in Physics and Planetary Sciences, Caltech, 1989
❖Master of Arts in Astronomy.
U. of California at Berkeley, 1991
❖Doctor en Ciencias Físicas (Astrofísica), Universidad Complutense, 1999
Current position (since 2014):
Former positions:
❖Assistant Professor, U. Alfonso X el Sabio, 1994-1996
❖Associate Professor, U. Alfonso X el Sabio, 1996-1999
❖Postdoctoral Fellow, STScI, 1999-2002
❖Ramón y Cajal Fellow, IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain, 2006-2011
Scientific interests:
❖Massive stars
❖Massive star clusters
❖Giant H II regions
❖Photometric standardization
❖Astronomical software
e-mail: jmaiz at